Wals Video Library

More than a product – a layered strategy
Building upon more than 20 years of research, Valent BioSciences in partnership with other public health organizations have developed the most target-specific biorational solution for controlling mosquito larvae in difficult-to-find and/or access habitats. And with the increasing potential of vector-borne disease outbreaks from container mosquitoes threatening larger segments of our population, there’s never been a greater need for WALS to help public health professionals meet their Integrated Vector Management (IVM) goals.
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WALS Video Library
WALS Applications 101: Application timing and conditions
A review of the recommended application timing and weather conditions for successful WALS applications. Including how to monitor the weather conditions and conduct your spray routes.
WALS Mixing 101: Mixing WDG formulations
Demonstrates how to properly mix VectoBac WDG for WALS applications for controlling mosquito larvae in difficult-to-find and/or access habitats.
WALS Applications 101: Mix ratios; flow rates and spray volume
An overview of the recommended mix ratios, flow rate, spay volume and basic calibration math needed to properly calibrate your equipment for WALS applications.
WALS Applications 101: Droplet size and atomizers
Highlights the importance of droplet size in WALS applications and the recommend equipment needed achieve the perfect droplet spectrum.
WALS Equipment 101: Conducting droplet characterization
Demonstrates how to conduct droplet characterization for a truck mounted WALS application. Characterization includes analysis of droplet size and density throughout the desired.
WALS Applications 101: How to conduct field evaluations
How to set up a field evaluation of a VectoBac WDG WALS truck mounted application. To evaluate the field efficacy of the VectoBac WDG larvicide, larval bioassays to assess are used to tell how well the application is being deposited into jars and how effective the larvicide is against Aedes aegypti larvae.
WALS Mixing 101: Building a mixing station for VectoBac WDG
Mixing VectoBac WDG for WALS applications is an easy process using a simple custom mixing station. This video describes the basic materials needed and a detailed method of building a station specifically for your needs.
WALS Equipment 101: Troubleshooting a faulty A1 Super Duty remote
A few quick troubleshooting tips when the remote device malfunctions on the A1 Super Duty used for WALS applications. These tips can be done in the field to get your equipment back in operation quickly.
WALS Equipment 101: Changing and setting the blade angles on the Micronair AU5000
Demonstrates how to replace and set the proper angle of the blades on the Micronair AU500 atomizer recommended for WALS applications to achieve a success.
WALS Equipment 101: Calibration basics of A1 Super Duty for use with WALS VectoBac WDG
A review of the parts and pieces of the A1 Super Duty used with VectoBac WDG WALS applications. In addition, demonstrates how to change and calibrate flow rates manually to achieve desired application rates.