Explore the Jiri-Rita Prairie Park

Jiri-Rita Prairie Park is a 34-acre park in the community of Osage, IA, that is open to the public. The park offers walking trails, picnic tables, benches, a scenic outlook in the prairie center, a complimentary EV charging station, and wildlife habitats.

Park Information

Valent BioSciences Osage manufacturing plant behind a field of native prairie flowers

Jiri-Rita Prairie Park and the adjoining Maple City Solar Field are located next to the Valent BioSciences’ manufacturing facility at 2142 350th St, Osage, IA.

Jiri-Rita Prairie Park and the adjoining Maple City Solar Field are located next to the Valent BioSciences’ manufacturing facility at 2142 350th St, Osage, IA.

Restroom facilities are not available on-site.

Please contact us at prairie@valentbiosciences.com with comments, questions, or for information on volunteering or collaborations.

History and Sustainability

In 2021, the Jiri-Rita Prairie Park and adjacent Maple City Solar Field were established. The project is in alignment with our mission to be sustainable and give back to our community.

Jiri-Rita Prairie Park

The Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS) at Iowa State University provided invaluable collaboration and support during the prairie’s implementation.

Approximately 170 tons of carbon dioxide are sequestered annually by the prairie park, helping to mitigate the effects of greenhouse gas in the environment. The prairie is a self-sufficient habitat that requires minimal maintenance to thrive.

We’re proud to collaborate with several local community organizations each year. These include the Mitchell County 4-H, who provided handmade birdhouses to house migratory birds who call the prairie their temporary home, or the Osage High School Industrial Technology students, who built and donated the welcome kiosk.

Maple City Solar Field

The solar field, which began operations in 2022, was built in partnership with OneEnergy Renewables and Heartland Power Cooperative.

The 1.5-megawatt alternating current (AC) solar field includes 3,432 bifacial solar panels that produce 3.4 million kilowatt hours of solar-generated electricity annually, or enough to power the equivalent of 425 average-sized homes.

In 2023, the solar field was dedicated and named Maple City Solar Field. After the dedication ceremony, and in collaboration with OneEnergy, Valent BioSciences donated an additional 18 solar panels to the Osage Community schools. This initiative will further support sustainability efforts within the wider community.

Please note that while the solar field is viewable from the prairie trails and the adjacent road, the station itself is not accessible to the public.

What does ‘Jiri-Rita’ mean?

‘Jiri-Rita Koushi-Ichinyo’ (pronounced Jee-ree Ree-tah Koh-shee Ee-chee-nee-yo) is a Japanese term embodied by our parent company, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. Jiri-Rita represents a core business principle that states our business must benefit society at large and the communities in which we live, not just our own interests. We are proud to represent this spirit in the Jiri-Rita Prairie Park.

Explore the beauty of the Jiri-Rita Prairie Park