Fall Armyworm
The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has declared that the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (FAW) is a global threat to food security. Although FAW is native to the Americas, it has become established in Africa, Asia, Australia, and India, and is expected to spread into southern Europe. FAW can devastate important crops such as maize, wheat, sorghum, sugarcane, cotton, and vegetables. With its ability to migrate long distances, adapt readily to multiple host plants, and develop resistance to synthetic pesticides and Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops, FAW can be extremely challenging to manage.
Why XenTari® DF Biological Works
One of the most effective sprayable Bts for FAW management is XenTari® DF Biological Insecticide, which utilizes the ABTS-1857 strain of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. aizawai (Bta). XenTari protects crops from lepidopteran pests, including FAW, with a unique combination of active components:
- Crystal (Cry) Proteins
- Insecticidal proteins that naturally crystallize and create pores in the insect’s midgut
- XenTari contains Cry1Ab, Cry1Aa, Cry1C, and Cry1D
- Viable Spores
- Invade the pores and germinate within the insect
- Soluble Byproducts, Synergists
- VIP3A – A soluble protein with a unique target site different than but similar in function to Cry proteins
- Secondary compounds that enhance the activity of Cry proteins
Cry1C and Cry1D make up about 25% of the active Cry proteins in XenTari.
It is the presence of Cry proteins 1C and 1D that make XenTari so effective against FAW. In fact, these two Cry proteins make up around 25% of the active Cry proteins in XenTari DF. Many other commercial Bts are ineffective for FAW management because they rely on Cry proteins that don’t affect FAW.
Studies worldwide have demonstrated the efficacy of XenTari DF against FAW infestations in multiple crops due to the following features:
- Effective
- Acts quickly; larvae stop feeding within minutes
- Consistent efficacy with activity on-par with synthetic pesticides when applied properly
- Environmental Safety
- Worker Safety
- Low risk for applicators
- Shortest re-entry and pre-harvest intervals allowed in almost all countries registered (follow local labels and guidelines)
- Resistance Management
- Unique mode of action (IRAC group 11)
- No cross-resistance with other insecticides
- Tank-mix Compatibility
- Can be tank mixed with many insecticides, fungicides, and foliar nutrients
Best Practices for FAW Management with XenTari DF
- Application Timing
- Plan applications for egg hatch as early instars are highly susceptible
- Consider multiple applications against early instars
- Coverage is Key
- Ensure full coverage on foliage, especially undersides and inner leaves
- For maize, application inside the whorl is recommended
- Application for FAW Populations with Multiple Life Stages Present
- Increase XenTari rates
- Consider tank mixing with synthetic pesticides
For more information on integrated pest management and biorational products from Valent BioSciences, check out the following resources:
- The Best Timing for Using Bt Biopesticides for FAW Control video
- DiPel (and XenTari) YouTube playlist
- IPM – Definitions, Principles, and Products blog
- Explore available products here
Always read and follow label instructions. For label information or SDS, please contact your local distributor.