Maximizing Yield Potential with Bloom Sprays

Setting the Stage for Success

Bloom sprays are the first opportunity to set the stage for a successful growing season by directly affecting the yield and quality of the crop. By applying the right nutrients, supported by the right biostimulant, growers can ensure a proper nut and fruit set, increase pollen viability, improve pollination, and support cell division and elongation.

A Successful Bloom is Critical for:

  • Supporting pollen tube growth and fertilization success.
  • Enhancing flower longevity for better overlap with pollinator activity.
  • Supporting uniform nut development and reducing drop rates.

Biostimulants and Nutrition

Bloom and early fruit and nut set are the most critical periods for setting and retaining fruit and nuts. Nutrients like zinc, boron, and calcium are critical for pollen tube elongation and ultimately help ensure the success of pollination and fertilization.

Flowering parts and emerging leaves are very tender and have less waxy cuticles than fully matured leaves, therefore they absorb foliar applied nutrients more efficiently. Applying these nutrients directly on the flowers & early leaves requires that the nutrients move only short distances from where they enter the plant.


Every protein needed for bloom is a zinc-dependent protein, thus zinc is essential for bloom. Zinc-dependent proteins are essential for flower development and pollination, as they support key processes like hormone production, energy use, and pollen viability. Ensuring adequate zinc during bloom helps plants thrive and improves yield potential. Bloom and post-bloom applications help to enhance chlorophyll density and full leaf expansion. In vineyards, zinc is also important for the full expansion of fruit bunches. University of California research has shown favorable yield responses to post-bloom applications of zinc. Research has shown Zicron®, powered by Transit® biostimulant, to have superior nutrient uptake and internal movement within the plant compared to other zinc formulations.

Zicron also provides important benefits through the inclusion of manganese and sulfur in addition to zinc, is built with Transit® biostimulant, and is designed for high nutrient mobility and uptake within the plant.


Boron is essential for pollen tube elongation and plays a critical part in the polymerization of cellulose and lignin fibers. Where calcium is the cement between cells, boron is the rebar that strengthens it. It is critical for cell elongation and for the strength of cell walls. Studies show that foliar applications of boron before bloom lead to improved fruit set and yield. One boron solution is BoronBoost®, built with Transit® biostimulant for improved boron mobility within the plant, which is shown to support pollination for improved nut set and yield.


Calcium is essential for pollen tube development and strength and has a direct role in the fertilization process. For many tree crops, especially pome fruits and stone fruits, foliar applied calcium sprays have been shown to improve fruit quality. Calcium is a critical part of calcium pectate, the cement that strengthens cell walls; however, it is not very mobile in the plant. Studies show that calcium applications are most effective during the entire period of cell division and cell elongation. For example, applications of calcium during flowering in apples reduces bitter pit and improves storage. BounceBack ® is a calcium and nitrogen product built with Transit® biostimulant and plant extracts, designed for high nutrient mobility and uptake within the plant.

Visit and check out our 2025 Specialty Crop Product Guide for more information on our portfolio of solutions for a successful bloom.
