Multi-Micronutrient Bionutrition

MicroBlend™ Zn-Mn-Cu

MicroBlend™ Zn-Mn-Cu is a premium zinc, manganese, copper, and sulfur bionutrition product formulated with complexed organic matter (COM) and nutrient chelators.

  • Provides nutrients essential for maximum canopy function to support high yields
  • Supports plant immune system for natural disease resistance
  • Supports nitrogen metabolism and lignin strength

MicroBlend™ Soil Zn-Mn-Cu

Soil-applied, multi-micronutrient product with chelated zinc, manganese, copper, and sulfur

MicroBlend™ Foliar Zn-Mn-Cu

Foliar-applied, multi-micronutrient product with zinc, manganese, copper, and sulfur complexed with sugars and organic acids to improve cuticle penetration and plant mobility

Key Crops




For the full list of brands available in your country, label information, or the SDS, please contact your local distributor