Dipotassium Phosphate (DKP) Bionutrition
DriveKP is a premium dipotassium phosphate (DKP) product, delivering high analysis potassium and phosphorus. DriveKP is built with complexed organic matter (COM) and nutrient chelators and designed to provide highly mobile, plant-available potassium and phosphorus during periods of increased demand such as early season cold soils and hot weather when there is a drop in available soil moisture.
- Supports sizing, earlier maturity, and improved
color development of fruit - Provides high analysis potassium and phosphorus
- Available as a liquid formulation, not a soluble powder, for ease of handling
Drives Sugar Mobility
Potassium helps move sugar from leaves to fruit and tubers and contributes to fruit and tuber sizing.
Delivers Efficient DKP
Provides potassium and phosphorus for more balanced nutrition, with molybdenum to help the plant fully utilize nitrogen
Improves Plant Health
Improves plant health during periods of stress like excessive cold, heat, and low water
Key Crops
Wine and Table Grapes
Learn more about DriveKP
Product Literature
Technical Documents